1 Behold the women walking to the tomb,
Bearing for Jesus’ body sweet perfume;
They wonder who will roll away the stone—
And still to us the future is unknown.
The Son has risen on the Resurrection Day,
The light of heaven now is driving night away;
Christ Jesus reigns,
He broke sin’s binding chains,
The victory
He won for you and me;
The empty tomb
Has banished gloom,
I’ll ever sing,
For Christ is King,
And heaven’s spring shall stay.
2 Mary is weeping, for her Lord is gone,
Over her understanding mist is drawn;
But Jesus, risen, first to Mary came—
Myst’ry departs when Jesus speaks my name. [Refrain]
3 Thomas the blessed news cannot believe
Until the Wounded One he can perceive;
By faith keep trusting through the longest night—
Blessed we’ll be when faith is turned to sight. [Refrain]
Timeless Truths