1 Both my hands are cleansed from sin, and all the past is blotted out,
And the blood of Jesus covers ev’ry part;
Being justified by faith I now enjoy sweet peace with God,
And His love is shed abroad thro’ all my heart.
I am ready, ready, ready now to meet Him,
I am watching, watching, watching ev’ry sign;
I am waiting, waiting, waiting now to greet Him,
O what rapture, O what joy shall soon be mine!
2 I have sold my goodly pearls and bought the pearl of greatest price,
And my houses, land, and friends are left behind;
I am resting on the merits of the bleeding sacrifice,
And I’m now delivered from the carnal mind. [Refrain]
3 Yes, my lamp is trimmed and burning, and my vessel’s filled with oil,
And my robes, which once were stained and black with sin,
Have been washed with precious cleansing which the tempter cannot soil,
Free from wrinkle, spot, or any such a thing. [Refrain]
4 Will you join this happy company and yield your heart today?
Will you come and pay the price that Jesus set?
Or be like the rich young ruler who went sorrowing away,
And at last was shared and caught in Satan’s net.
O get ready, ready, ready now to meet Him,
For He’s coming, coming, coming in the air;
Then He’ll gather, gather all the pure and holy,
And the millions left will sink in dark despair.
Source: The Joy Bells of Canaan or Burning Bush Songs No. 2 #32