1 "Boys will all be boys," they say
People worldly wise.
But these boys make men, some day,
And all our laws devise.
Dare be firm for temperance,
Buy the precious truth;
Sell it not, for men are wanted,
Grown from loyal youth.
2 Work and pray that right may reign,
Help defeat the wrong;
Fight the "drink fiend," let him gain
No hold among our throng. [Chorus]
3 Say, what kind of boys will make
Men of noble worth?
Those who scatter, in their wake,
Good seed as they go forth. [Chorus]
4 Strive for purity and truth,
Live it every day.
Early in the days of youth,
Learn wisdom's pleasant way. [Chorus]
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #152a