1 Bring forth the royal robe,
Behold, the lost is found;
Bring forth the signet ring,
Let mirth and song abound.
The lost is found, the lost is found,
Let heaven reecho with the sound,
Let heaven reecho with the sound.
2. Now spread the festal board,
The banqueting prepare;
And let the lost one, found,
The feast of gladness share. [Refrain]
3 There’s joy on earth below,
There’s joy in heaven above,
When one repenting soul
Accepts redeeming love. [Refrain]
4 Bring forth the royal robe,
Bring forth the signet ring;
Array the festal board,
Prepare the banqueting. [Refrain]
Source: Joyful Lays: a new collection of songs, prepared and adapted for the Sunday School #169