1 Brother, is thy pathway clouded?
Does thy sun refuse to shine?
Is thy sky in darkness shrouded?
Dost thou in thy sorrow pine?
Look up, weary, fainting brother,
See! the dawning doth appear;
From the east the light is breaking,
Night recedes, the day is near.
2 Hast thou failed to do thy duty?
Didst thou into error stray?
There are blessings without number,
Christ is off’ring thee today. [Chorus]
3 Look, my brother, Christ is ready,
Cast on Him your every care;
Now He waits to bear your burdens,
And will all your sorrows share. [Chorus]
4 See! a golden crown is waiting—
Waiting for thee over there,
Studded with the gems of heaven,
If for Christ the cross you bear. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #101