1 Brother, make a friend of Jesus!
Who so kind and true,
And as full of rich compassion
As the Lord to you?
He is the friend of sinners;
Freely he will forgive;
Brother, give your heart to Jesus
And his grace receive.
Make him your friend!
And he will defend!
Trust him and his love will bless thee
Thro’ eternity.
2 Brother, make a friend of Jesus!
Trust him ev’ry day,
And you will be safely guided
In the narrow way.
He is so kind and gracious,
He will his own defend;
Brother, if you need a Savior,
Make the Lord your friend. [Refrain]
3 Brother, make a friend of Jesus!
His affection pure,
Rich with tender peace and comfort,
Ever will endure.
O what a precious Savior!
O what a friend is he!
Trust him and his love will bless thee
Through eternity. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.2 #114