1 Christ in me, the hope of glory,
Is the sum of all my dreams;
Each day my faith the stronger, brighter grows,
And more abundant seems.
Christ in me, the hope of glory,
This my soul shall ever be;
Christ in me! O wondrous story,
That He lived and died for me.
2 Christ in me, the hope of glory,
This alone—all else is vain;
It was for me He went to Calvary—
The Lamb for sinners slain. [Refrain]
3 Christ in me, the hope of glory,
Strength in weakness will supply,
In my temptations give me victory,
In every need be nigh. [Refrain]
4 Christ in me, the hope of glory,
He will lead me all the way,
Until I see Him in His beauty, in
The land of endless day. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16135