1 Christ our God and Lord is risen
From the sealed and guarded prison;
Tell it out, ye Christian people!
Ring the chimes from tower and steeple.
Hark the feaster greets the feaster;
Christmas shouts aloud to Easter—
In excelsis gloria! In excelsis gloria!
In excelsis gloria!
2 Jesus springs from death and scorning,
On this gladsome Easter morning.
Children, sing that glorious rising,
Earth and Heav’n with joy surprising:
Echo back the angels’ chanting—
Let no voice today be wanting— [Refrain]
3 Ris’en is He with power to save us,
From the sins that still enslave us;
Ris’n in majesty to lead us,
To the home in Heav’n decreed us;
Fittest music for this mirth-day
Is the chant that hailed His birthday— [Refrain]
4 Holy Christ, accept the praises
Which each feeble voice upraises;
And when life shall here have ending,
May our souls to Thee ascending,
Join Thy saints—like them forgiven—
In that happiest song of Heaven— [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16184