1 Christ the Lord is risen today!
He who in the manger lay,
Watched by gentle mother’s eyes,
Lives and reigns beyond the skies.
“Christ the Lord is ris’n today!”
Each to other gladly say!
Shout, ye happy ones, and sing,
Let the earth with music ring!
Shout, ye happy ones, and sing,
Let the earth with music ring!
2 Bring the roses’ rich perfume,
Bring the garden’s gladdest bloom,
Bring the lilies’ saintly white,
Emblems of the soul’s delight,—
Emblems of the spirit’s glow,
We, like Mary, soon may know,
When our Master’s Voice we hear
Speak our name in accents clear.
When our Master’s Voice we hear
Speak our name in accents clear.
3 O the mansions Christ prepares,
Where for each He looks and cares!
O the gardens blooming bright,
Where His glory is the Light!
Here His love is perfect pace,
There His love shall never cease!
Sing, ye children, sing and say,
“Christ the Lord is ris’n today.”
Sing, ye children, sing and say,
“Christ the Lord is ris’n today.”
Source: Gloria Deo: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public Worship in all Departments of the Church #162