1 Clap your hands, ye people all,
Praise the God on whom ye call;
Lift your voice and shout his praise,
Triumph in his sov'reign grace.
2 Jesus is gone up on high,
Takes His seat above the sky;
Shout the angel choirs aloud,
Echoing to the trump of God!
3 Sons of men the triumph join,
Praise him with the host divine;
Emulate the heav'nly pow'rs,
Their victorious Lord is ours.
4 Shout the God enthron'd above,
Trumpet forth his conq'ring love;
Praises to our Jesus sing,
Praises to our glorious king!
5 Pow'r is all to Jesus giv'n,
Pow'r o’er hell, and earth, and heav’n;
Jesus, power to us impart,
Then we'll praise with all our heart.
First Line: | Clap your hands, ye people all |
Title: | God is Gone Up With a Shout |
Author: | Charles Wesley |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |