1 Come all ye weary sinners come,
Come hasten in, fill up this roon,
Here is a feast prepar'd by love;
Come taste the blessing from above.
2 Here is a lamb, for you 'tis slain,
Who died in sorrow, grief and pain,
Who spared not his precious blood:
But freely spilt it for your good.
3 Remember, that for you he died,
Your great salvation to provide,
To save your souls from endless pain,
And bring you home to God again.
4 Though you have erred from his way,
Like wand'ring sheep have gone astray:
By him ye shall be made to know,
The way in which ye ought to go.
5 O! helpless creatures, poor and blind,
The Lord is gracious, good and kind,
Your sins he freely will forgive,
And cause your dying souls to live.
6 O! east and drink with thankfulness,
Partake the bounties of his grace.
Receive what he will freely give,
Who died for you, that you should live.
7 Your off'rings now with gladness bring
Praise him, the great eternal King:
Shew forth his mercies, make them known,
And live that you may die his own.
8 Here call his mercies all to mind,
His mercies all of ev'ry kind,
Are numberless and very great,
Far more than mortal scan relate.
9 Ye, who were once condemn'd to hell,
Where fallen angels are to dwell:
The place where fear and darkness reign,
The place of endless dread and pain.
10 But Jesus now has set you free,
And by his grace are made to be:
Here at this feast a welcome guest,
To share his blessings with the blest.
11 O blessed message from above,
To you from God, the God of love,
Who pities you, for Jesus sake,
And now invites you to partake.
12 O come ye then, partake the feast,
O come and be the Saviour's guest;
Though bread and wine appears but giv'n,
'Tis life itself, come down from heav'n.
13 Oh! sinners, now on you I call,
Oh! sinners, I invite you all,
Oh! sinners, now repent and b'lieve;
Oh! sinners, come to Christ and live.
14 The feast is now for you prepar'd,
The Lord has in his word declar'd,
That sinners of the vilest kind;
In Jesus may salvation find.
15 The great Redeemer died for you,
Partake the feast and prove it true;
Come sinners, now accept the call,
And live for him, who died for all.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CXC