1 Come, and sit down to the feast,
Take of the life-giving bread.
Why will ye famishing stand?
Come, for his table is spread.
Come, come, hear his sweet voice,
Come, come, make him your choice.
Take of the life-giving bread,
Come, for his table is spread.
2 Come from the alleys and streets,
Come, wheresoever ye tread.
Hark to the welcoming call,
Come, for his table is spread. [Refrain]
3 Come, all ye needy and faint,
Come to the Lord and be fed.
There is enough and to spare,
Come, for his table is spread. [Refrain]
4 Come, in the morning of life,
Come, tho’ its pleasures be sped.
Share in the gift of his grace,
Come, for his table is spread. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.3 #23