1 Come children, raise your voices high,
Your Saviour's love proclaim;
And with the choirs of earth and sky
Unite to praise his name.
2 Sing how he left the realms of light,
Where the bright angels dwell,
And passing through death's gloomy night,
Redeemed the world from hell.
3 Yes, we will gladly join our lays,
With heaven's seraphic throng;
And offer in our early days,
To Christ our grateful song.
4 And oh, that all would join to sing
That Saviour's love, who came,
Mankind from chains of sin to bring
To liberty again.
5 Then loud hosannas to our King,
Jesus, eternal God!
Let earth with joyful anthems ring,
To spread his fame abroad.
6 Let every tribe and nation own
His just and righteous sway,
And all unite to hasten on
The great Millennial day.
Source: Kind Words: a new collection of hymns and tunes for sunday schools and the social circle #39b