1 Come, let us join for to ador
The sacred one in three;
The Lord has grace laid up in store,
For those that needy be.
2 Come let us now address his throne
And seek his face by pray'r;
For in the lord is help alone,
For those that helpless are.
3 Upon the Lord your God rely,
And trust his gracious word;
Salvation is for ever nigh
The souls that fear the Lord.
4 Then why will ye now disobey,
And make a wretched choice?
Behold the Lord doth call, and say,
Come hearken to my voice.
5 Come and buy wine and milk of me,
Ye that no money have;
The blood of Christ is ever free,
Your souls to cleanse and save.
6 The king no dowry doth require,
But that you would him give
Your heart is all he doth require;
Hear, and your souls shall live.
7 Now to my soul I speak and say,
Receive the promis'd grace;
Come seek the Lord your God to day,
And you shall see his face.
8 Why wilt thou any more refuse
His voice for to obey,
His patience longer to abuse,
And grieve him by delay.
9 O come, dear Lord, and make us feel
The grace of love divine,
And it shall our diseases heal,
O Lord, the pow'r is thine.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns, in which are some never before printed #XII