1 Come, sinners, come to Jesus now,
While mercy stands entreating;
The Spirit and the Bride say come,
The Savior's voice is pleading.
Come, sinners, come, before Him bow,
And find in Him salvation;
The rich, the poor, the lost, the blind,
Come, ev'ry tribe and nation.
2 Come, weary one, distress'd with sin,
His blood still is the token;
A full atonement He hath made,
The way to life is open. [Chorus]
3 Come, burden'd heart, and all oppress'd,
Come, Jesus has forgiven;
He is the life, the truth, the rest,
The only way to heaven. [Chorus]
4 I come, O Lord, I come to-day,
Forsaking sinful pleasure;
O do not turn from me away,
But be my only treasure. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #16