1 Come to Jesus, He can save you;
Come, for He has pow'r divine;
Canst thou doubt that He is able,
When He says all pow'r is Mine?
Then come, sinner, come;
Do you hear the tender cry?
For the Savior now is pleading,
And mercy interceding,
Oh, why will you die?
2 Come to Jesus, He is willing;
He has shed His blood for thee;
And He bids thee in the Gospel,
Come and find forgiveness free. [Chorus]
3 Come to Jesus, He has promised
Thee to save; oh, canst thou doubt?
Hear Him saying, "He that cometh,
I will in no wise cast out." [Chorus]
Source: The Morning Star: a collection of new sacred songs, for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, and the social circle #30