1 Come, ye valiant men and true,
Take up the trusty sword,
Clothe yourselves with raiment new,
The armor of the Lord.
All the tempter’s wiles resists,
A pure allegiance bring,
Come, in Jesus’ Name enlist
As soldiers of the King.
Forward, march forward, where our Captain leads the way,
Our armor shines with splendor bright,
Our banners wave with heav’nly light,
Then forward, forward, let the song exultant ring,
We’re consecrated army, serving Christ, our King.
2 Give to Him these precious years,
This golden time of youth,
Stand before Him free from fears,
And girded with His truth.
Wear the breastplate righteousness,
Salvation’s helmet bring,
Thus we’ll go, thro’ strife and stress,
We soldiers of the King. [Refrain]
3 Shod with peace, we’ll walk His way,
And faith shall be our shield,
Christ shall be our guide each day,
His Word the sword wee wield,
Hasten then, and all in line,
Let all united, sing;
“Follow where His banners shine,
Brave soldiers of the King.” [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #86