1 Commit Thy way unto the Lord,
Oh weary, heart-sick soul;
His saving grace abounds for all,
His love can ne’er be told.
Oh trust Him, trust Him,
Ever trust His saving pow’r!
Oh trust Him, trust Him—
Trust Him ev’ry day and hour.
2 His love and mercy have no end,
How can ye longer stay
Away from Christ, the sinner’s friend,
Oh loved one gone astray. [Refrain]
3 There’s rest and peace for ev’ry care—
For ev’ry tear-stained eye;
Then haste thy soul from sin to tear
And to His bosom fly. [Refrain]
4 Oh trust Him e’er it be too late
Thy burdened soul to free;
He bids thee seek the heav’nly gate
There angels wait for thee. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 2 #220