1 Commit thy way unto the Lord
Who brings thee safe to pass;
He will according to his word
Deliver thee at last.
2 The great, the wise, the mighty God,
Has all things in his view;
Although the heav'ns are his abode,
Yet he looks on us too.
3 The Lord who number'd all our days,
Knows how to make us blest;
He who has pointed out our ways,
Works all things for the best.
4 We need not fear, we need not doubt,
The Lord is still our friend;
His wond'rous ways will bring about
His blessings in the end.
5 God, who has made the earth and seas:
When he gave his commands,
May deal with us just as he please,
Are we but in his hands.
6 His mighty hand that doth provide
For all that live and move;
Will ever with his grace abide
And guard us by his love.
7 His providence is over all,
He gives us all we need;
What e'er may happen or befall,
Is for our good indeed.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCIV