1 Dark, dark are the waters around me,
No star sheds a beam on my night;
Has darkness eternally bound me?
I’m drifting, I’m drifting from light.
Oh! where am I drifting?
Oh! where am I drifting
Oh! who can foretell me my doom?
Oh! where am I drifting?
Oh! where am I drifting?
Out into eternity’s gloom!
2 The highlands of heaven I’ve sighted,
Far from them I meaningless roam;
Its glories eternal I’ve slighted;
I’m drifting, I’m drifting from home. [Chorus]
3 No trace can I see of earth’s shore-lines,
No sound of her joys or her cares;
Alone on eternity’s confines,
I’m drifting, I’m drifting, oh! where? [Chorus]
4 The spell of eternity holds me,
Eternity’s secrets are near;
‘Tis sin’s gravitation controls me,
I’m drifting forever, I fear. [Chorus]
5 Back, back fly the curtains of darkness
Revealing eternity’s death;
Amid all that horror of blackness,
Alone and forever I drift. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #74