1 Dayspring of eternity,
Light of Light, from God proceeding,
On this morn we turn to Thee,
For Thy radiant brightness pleading.
Let Thy beams dispel with might
Sin's dark night.
2 Send Thy grace like morning dew,
Deign our conscience thus to quicken;
Let life's meadow bloom anew,
Heal all hearts with sorrow stricken,
And Thy ransomed ones restore
3 In Thy love's unchanging glow,
May our coldness swiftly perish,
And may we in fervor grow,
As each morning's light we cherish.
Daily, like the sun, may we
Rise with Thee.
4 O celestial Sun of grace,
May Thy rays ne'er be denied us;
Let them thro' this desert place
And to yonder mansions guide us,
Where Thy saints in glory stay,
Blest for aye.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #555