1 Dost thou look back upon a life of sinning;
Forward, and tremble, for thy future lot?
There's one who sees the end from the beginning;
The tear of penitence is not forgot.
God knows it all,
God knows it all,
Ever remember that God knows it all.
2 And art thou tossed upon billows of temptation,
But would'st do good, while evil oft prevails?
Oh, think, amid the waves of tribulation,
When earthly hope and earthly refuge fails. [Refrain]
3 And dost thou sin? thy deeds of shame concealing,
In some dark spot, no human eye can see?
Then walk in pride, without one sigh revealing,
The deep remorse that should disquiet thee. [Refrain]
4 Then go to God! pour out your heart before him;
There is no grief your Father cannot feel;
And let your grateful songs of praise adore him,
To save, forgive, and ev'ry wound to heal. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Free Grace #86