1 Down in the garden, there I behold him,
Jesus, the Savior, humbly is bowed;
Thick is the darkness gathering round him,
Lo, he is weeping, praying aloud.
Sinner, behold him—
Jesus, the Savior,
Suffering, dying,
Yet lives now for thee.
2 Pleading for comfort, help from his Father,
Jesus, the Savior, in fervent pray’r;
Meekly he yieldeth, light grows the burden,
Help comes from heaven our sins to bear. [Refrain]
3 Now I behold him going to Calv’ry,
Jesus, the Savior, with weary tread,
Bearing the cross on which he must suffer,
Rugged his pathway, with gloom o’erspread. [Refrain]
4 Hear him now saying, “Lo, it is finished,”
Jesus, the Savior, dying for thee,
Purchased thy pardon, mercy is waiting,
Softly he’s pleading, “Come unto me.” [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #189