Eternal God, Whose Power Upholds

Representative Text

1 Eternal God, whose power upholds
Both flower and flaming star,
To whom there is no here nor there,
No time, no near nor far,
No alien race, no foreign shore,
No child unsought, unknown:
O send us forth, Thy prophets true,
To make all lands Thine own!

2 O God of love, whose Spirit wakes
In every human breast,
Whom love, and love alone, can know,
In whom all hearts find rest:
Help us to spread Thy gracious reign
Till greed and hate shall cease,
And kindness dwell in human hearts,
And all the earth find peace!

3 O God of truth, whom science seeks
And reverent souls adore,
Who lightest every earnest mind
Of every clime and shore:
Dispel the gloom of error’s night,
Of ignorance and fear,
Until true wisdom from above
Shall make life’s pathway clear!

4 O God of beauty, oft revealed
In dreams of human art,
In speech that flows to melody,
In holiness of heart:
Teach us to turn from sinfulness
That shuts our hearts to Thee,
Till all shall know the loveliness
Of lives made fair and free!

5 O God of righteousness and grace,
Seen in the Christ, Thy Son,
Whose life and death reveal Thy face,
By whom Thy will was done:
Inspire Thy heralds of good news
To live Thy life divine,
Till Christ has formed in all mankind
And every land is Thine!

Source: The Presbyterian Hymnal: hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs #412

Author: Henry Hallam Tweedy

Born: Au­gust 5, 1868, Bing­ham­ton, New York. Died: Ap­ril 11, 1953, Brat­tle­bo­ro, Ver­mont. Buried: Moun­tain View Cem­e­tery, New Fair­field, Con­nec­ti­cut. Tweedy at­tend­ed Phil­lips An­do­ver Acad­e­my, Yale Un­i­ver­si­ty (BA & MA), Un­ion The­o­lo­gic­al Sem­in­ary, and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Ber­lin. Or­dained a Con­gre­ga­tion­al­ist min­is­ter in 1898, he pas­tored at Ply­mouth Church, Uti­ca, New York (1892-1902), and South Church, Bridge­port, Con­nec­ti­cut (1902-09). He then be­came Pro­fess­or of Hom­i­le­tics at Yale Di­vin­i­ty School (1909-37). He taught lit­ur­gy, mu­sic, and the arts, and was in­ter­est­ed in re­li­gious ar­chi­tect­ure. His… Go to person page >



FOREST GREEN is an English folk tune associated with the ballad "The Ploughboy's Dream." Ralph Vaughan Williams (PHH 316) turned FOREST GREEN into a hymn tune for The English Hymnal (1906), using it as a setting for "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Shaped in rounded bar form (AABA), FOREST GREEN has th…

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SARAH (Thomas)




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The Cyber Hymnal #1327
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Instances (1 - 8 of 8)

Ambassador Hymnal #313

Great Songs of the Church (Revised) #396

Hymns of the Saints #370


Rejoice in the Lord #481

TextPage Scan

Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal #90


The Cyber Hymnal #1327

The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook #630


The Presbyterian Hymnal #412

Include 44 pre-1979 instances
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