Display Title: Exalt the LORD, His Praise Proclaim First Line: Exalt the LORD, his praise proclaim Tune Title: CREATION Meter: D Scripture: Psalm 135 Date: 2012 Subject: Biblical Names and Places | Aaron; Biblical Names and Places | Amorites; Biblical Names and Places | Bashon; Biblical Names and Places | Canaan; Biblical Names and Places | Egypt; Biblical Names and Places | Israel; Biblical Names and Places | Jacob; Biblical Names and Places | Jerusalem; Biblical Names and Places | Levi; Biblical Names and Places | Og; Biblical Names and Places | Pharoah; Biblical Names and Places | Sihon; Biblical Names and Places | Zion; Elements of Worship | Gathering; God as | King; Historical Psalms | ; Hymns of Praise | ; Ten Commandments | 2nd Commandment (do not make graven emages); The Creation | Source: Psalter, 1887; rev. Psalter, 1912, alt.
Psalms for All Seasons #135A