1 Faithful workers we in the fields of the Lord,
Sowing precious seed, we’re sowing precious seed;
First will come the blade, then the grain in the ear,
Ready for his garners when he shall appear.
We’re faithful lab’rers in the fields of the Lord,
Toiling away,
Day after day;
When Jesus comes again,
And we shall meet him then,
His “well done” will be our blest reward.
2 Anxiously we watch o’er the young, tender plant,
Watering the soil, while watering the soil;
Plucking out the weeds that their fair growth would stay,
Lifting drooping heads to the sun’s warming ray. [Refrain]
3 When his harvest comes, we his presence shall seek,
Bringing in the sheaves, while bringing in the sheaves;
He’ll accept our efforts, tho’ poor they may be,
And with all the blest we his glory shall see. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #96