1 Forward, Christian soldiers,
Thro’ a hostile land;
Victory is before you,
March with sword in hand;
He who, in the desert,
Satan’s pow’r o’ercame,
Giveth you this victory,
Thro’ His wondrous name.
Forward, Christian soldiers,
Thro’ a hostile land;
Victory is before you,
March with sword in hand.
2 Tho’ the Prince of darkness
Girds him for the fight,
You may well defy him
With the arms of light;
Thro’ the gath’ring blackness
Flash the gleaming Word;
His dark hosts are routed
By the Spirit’s sword. [Chorus]
3 Forward, Christian soldiers!
Lo, before you lies
Yonder goodly country,
God’s fair Paradise;
Tho’ the foes are many,
Who our march withstand,
We thro’ Christ are able
To possess the land. [Chorus]
4 Forward, Christian soldiers!
Watch, and fight, and pray;
Clad in God’s whole armor,
You shall gain the day;
When the war is over,
And the vict’ry won,
May we hear our Leader
Say to us, “Well done!” [Chorus]
Source: Gems of Song: for the Sunday School #209