1. Give, Lord, the king, thy clearest light;
Thy righteousness give to his son,
2. That he may judge thy people right,
And to the poor, see justice done.
3. Then, from the lofty mounts, shall flow
Sweet peace, and all thy people bless;
The little hills shall like them grow
In happy fruits of righteousness.
4. He'll vindicate the injured poor,
And save the offspring of the just;
But, the oppressor's haughty power,
Shall break, and crumble into dust.
5. They shall thee fear, while sun and moon,
Perform their course, through ages all,
6. He'll come, as rain on grass new mown,
As watering showers on dry land fall.
7. The just shall flourish, in his day;
And peace abound, 'till there's no moon.
8. From sea to sea, shall reach his sway,
From river, to the setting sun.
9. They who in deserts have their seat,
In homage, bow before him must;
His foes shall, couching at his feet,
In low prostrations, lick the dust.
10. The kings of Tarshish, and the isles,
Shall costly presents to him bring;
Sheba's high lords shall offer spoils,
And rich gifts Saba's wealthy king.
11. Before him, all the kings on earth
Shall fall, and homage to him pay;
All nations, from the south, to north,
As sovereign Lord, shall him obey.
Second Part
11. For, such as want, and helpless are,
He'll free; when they his help implore.
13. The destitute, in pity, spare;
And save the souls shall of the poor.
14. From fraud and violence he will
Redeem their soul, by his great might;
Their blood, unjustly sought to spill,
Shall very dear be in his sight.
15. And he shall live; and Sbeba's gold,
To him as tribute shall be paid;
Daily his name shall be extolled,
While constant prayers are for him made.
l6. Corn, sprinkled on the mountain's top,
Like Lebanon, shall shake, and sound,
So full the ears, so thick the crop;
In cities men, like grass, abound.
17. His name forever shall endure,
And be transmitted with the sun;
All nations bliss, from him, procure,
And him proclaim the blessed One.
18. Blessed be Jehovah, God Most High,
The God of favorite Israel's seed;
From him alone, in earth, and sky,
The things that wondrous are proceed.
19. And blessed be his glorious name
Forever; let the whole earth then
Be filled with his glorious fame.
To which we shout, Amen; Amen.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752