1. Give me, O Lord, right views of Thee,
Thy glorious nature, love, and might;
And draw my spirit’s eyes to see
The things concealed from mortal sight;
And in the soul which Thou hast wrought,
O breathe the understanding thought.
2. Give me, O Lord, right views of Thee,
And of myself and purpose here;
My life, my end, and destiny,
My secret dreams of hope and fear;
O Thou who standst behind it all,
To Thee for light I look and call.
3. Give me, O Lord, right views of truth;
And give me, too, the honest mind,
Which of its freedom gives the proof
In sweet forbearance broad and kind;
Which will not barter, slight, or sell
The truth it sees, but guard it well.
4. Give me, O Lord, right views of truth;
Thy all discerning Spirit give,
To bring light in earliest youth
Thy living words by which men live;
Of all Thy gifts, I pray, impart
A wise and understanding heart.