Arise, for thy Light is come,
Arise, for thy Light is come,
Arise, for thy Light is come,
Arise, for thy Light is come,
1 Give thanks and rejoice in the name of the Lord,
The darkness of night is past;
The day long fortold by the prophets has dawned,
The morning has come at last. [Refrain]
2 The Light of the world now illumines the way,
Resplendent, divinely bright;
With love it is beaming from Calvary's mount,
Dispelling the gloom of night. [Refrain]
3) Unfading it shines, bringing peace to the soul,
Dispersing all fear and strife;
Its rays guiding safely the wanderers home,
Shine on, O Thou Light of Life. [Refrain]
Source: International Song Service: with Bright Gems from fifty authors, for Sunday-schools, gospel meetings, missionary and young people's societies, prayer-meetings, etc. #13