1 Give time to work for Jesus,
The Way of Life to show
To those you meet upon the street,
Let them the Gospel know.
Give time to work for Jesus,
Give time to Him each day;
Let others know, where’er you go,
Salvation’s wondrous way.
2 Give time to work for Jesus,
And seek God’s will to know;
Be much in prayer that you may bear
Rich blessings as you go. [Refrain]
3 Give time to work for Jesus,
And take God’s Word as guide;
Its message learn, its truth discern,
Its promises abide. [Refrain]
4 Give time to work for Jesus,
The Lord your work will own;
Each soul you win from paths of sin
Adds glory to your crown. [Refrain]
Source: Alexander's Gospel Songs No. 2 #121