1 Gladly will we sing for Jesus,
Sing our happy songs;
Praises will we give to Jesus,
With our youthful tongues;
Our hosannas loud shall echo
Over sea and land;
Jesus is the Friend of children,
Leads us by the hand.
Ever will we own our Saviour,
And walk in all his ways;
Ever will we own our Saviour,
And sing our songs of praise.
2 Glady will we sing for Jesus,
All our earthly days;
Give ourselves entirely to him,
Learn his holy ways;
Even from our early childhood
Till our life here ends,
Will we try to love and serve him,
Foll'wing his commands. [Chorus]
3 Gladly will we die in Jesus,
Leaning on his breast;
With his loving arms around us,
Sweet will be our rest:
Then we'll ever be with Jesus,
With that happy throng,
Mingling in the heav'nly chorus
Our triumphant song. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #105