1 Glory to God, all-pervading, all-knowing, all-seeing,
saying the Word, bringing space-time and life into being,
holy and just,
faithful, and worthy of trust,
seeking and finding and freeing.
2 Glory to Christ, who has brought us through love's flowing waters,
new-born, beloved, and adopted as God's sons and daughters.
Chosen, we choose,
bearing and sharing good news -
humble and joyful reporters.
3 Praise to the Spirit, conceiving, communing, connecting,
eager for truth, every lie and evasion detecting,
bringing to view
gifts we ourselves never knew,
all in the end resurrecting.
4 Great Holy Trinity, graciously calling and sending
servants to follow the Servant, the friendless befriending,
as you ordain
friends to preside and proclaim,
power us with praises unending!
Source: New Hymns of Hope #71