1 Go forth for Christ, and labor,
For O the need is great;
There’s urgent call for toilers;
Go, ere it be too late;
For many souls are dying,
That you perchance might save;
Go forth, go forth and help them,
With spirit true and brave.
To the work, to the work!
The Master’s voice is calling;
The night will soon be falling;
Go forth for Christ today.
2 Go forth, go forth, delay not,
The hours glide fast away;
Some precious souls may perish,
Without your help today;
The Master’s condemnation
Shall on earth idler fall,
And they shall miss his blessing
Who will not heed his call. [Refrain]
3 Go forth, the morning shadows
Now lengthen tow’rd the noon,
While yet thy work is waiting,
And darkness cometh soon;
Improve the golden moments,
Like pearls they glide away;
Give, each one, to his service,
Thro’ all the harvest day. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #18