1 Go forth on wings of faith and pray'r,
Ye pages bright with love;
Tho' mute, the joyful tidings bear,
Salvation from above.
Silent messengers, go ye forth,
From ocean to ocean, from South to North;
Seed of the word, it shall not be sown in vain.
2 Go, tell the sinful, careless soul,
The warning God has giv'n;
Go, make the wounded spirit whole,
With healing balm from heav'n. [Refrain]
3 Go to the rude, the dark, the poor,
That live estranged from God;
Bid them the pearl of life secure,
Bo't with a Saviour's blood. [Refrain]
4 O Jesus, friend of dying men,
Thy presence we implore;
Without thy blessing all is vain;
Be with us evermore. [Refrain]
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #696
First Line: | Go forth on wings of fervent [faith and] prayer |
Author: | Thomas Hastings |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |