1 Go, ye heralds of salvation,
Go, proclaim 'Redeeming blood;'
Publish to each barb'rous nation,
Peace and pardon from our God:
Tell the heathen,
None but Christ can do them good.
2 While the gospel trump you're sounding,
May the spirit seal the word,
And, thro' plenteous grace abounding,
Heathen bow and own the Lord;
Idols leaving
God alone shall be ador'd.
3 Distance tho' our souls are blending
Still our hearts are warm and true;
In our pray'rs to heav'n ascending,
Brethren--we'll remember you;
Heav'n preserve you,
Safely all your journey through.
4 When your mission here is finish'd,
And your work on earth is done,
May your souls, by grace replenish'd,
Find acceptance thro' the Son;
Thence admitted,
Dwell for ever near his throne.
5 Loud hosannas now resounding,
Make the heavenly arches ring:
Grace to sinful men abounding,
Ransom'd millions sweetly sing;
While, with rapture,
All adore their heav'nly King.
Source: Hymns, Selected and Original: for public and private worship (1st ed.) #550