1 "Go ye into all the world!"
Hear the Lord's command;
Bear the light of gospel truth
To each darkened land;
Draw the shades of unbelief
From their blinded eyes,
Let the Sun of Righteousness
With healing rise!
He shall reign, he shall reign,
Who hath triumphed o'er the grave;
He shall reign, he shall reign,
Christ the Victor, strong to save!
2 "Go ye into all the world!"
Heed his last command;
Do not let the nations die
While ye waiting stand;
From your Saviour's pierced hands
Take the bread of life,
Carry ye the food abroad
Where need is rife. [Chorus]
3 "Go ye into all the world!"
Gladly we obey,
Sending forth the blessed news,
"Christ is risen today!"
From the darkness of the past
God has rolled the stone;
Lo! upon the distant isles
His sun has shone. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #65