1 God, Creator and Preserver!
God, who feedest man and beast;
God, whose tender mercy careth
For the weakest and the least;
2 If in former times of gladness,
In the fullness of our bread,
Harvest gifts to Thee we offered
Harvest songs to Thee we said;
3 Shall we not in trustful patience
Cast our care upon Thee now?
Shall we not in meek obedience
To Thy righteous judgments bow?
4 Though the earth withhold her increase,
Though the heaven restrain its dew,
Though his hand the reaper fill not,
Yet we know that Thou art true.
5 Not in vain the mighty promise,
From beneath the Bow of Peace,
Told us, while the earth remaineth,
Seed-time, harvest, shall not cease.
6 But our sins have stayed Thy blessing,
Our rebellions drawn Thy sword;
Pity now Thy mourning people;
Think upon Thy covenant, Lord.
7 So the sunshine of Thy bounty
Once again shall dry our tears;
And Thy gracious hand restore us
All our canker-eaten years.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11308