1. God gave me a little light
To carry as I go;
Bade me keep it clean and bright,
Shining high and low;
Bear it steadfast without fear,
Shed its radiance far and near;
Make the path before me clear
With its friendly glow.
2. God gave me a little song
To sing upon my way;
Rough may be the road and long,
Dark may be the day;
Yet a little bird can wing,
Yet a little flower can spring,
Yet a little child can sing,
And make the whole world gay.
3. God gave me a little heart
To love whate'er he made;
Gave me strength to bear my part
Glad and unafraid.
Thro' thy world so fair, so bright,
Father, guide my steps aright!
Thou my song and thou my light
So my trust is stayed.