1 God has safely brought us
Thru another year
Which He filled with blessing,
Casting out all fear.
There have been some losses
That were hard to bear,
But our Lord will help us
And each trial share.
Let us work with courage
In our harvest field;
So abundant fruitage
Every part may yield.
2 Lord, be with Thy servants
As they work and pray,
Thru each cloud of doubting
Show Thy hopeful ray.
Toiling with the children
Thou dost ever bless;
Their reward in heaven
Is sweet peace and rest.
May a grand outpouring
Of Thy Spirit's Pow'r
Touch each heart, bestowing
Grace for every hour.
3 With our hearts rejoicing
O'er the love so sweet
Which will still unfailing
Guide our stumbling feet,
Let us sing His praises
Who has led the way
Thru the weary places,
When we fain would stray;
And with strong devotion
To one glorious end,
Let us seek His kingdom
Greatly to extend.
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #310