1 God is in His temple:
O let us adore Him
And devoutly come before Him!
God is in our presence:
Bow the knee, ye mortals,
Who have entered Zion's portals.
Christians all,
Prostrate fall;
Humble praises tender
And to Him surrender!
2 God is in His heaven,
Cherubs Him surrounding,
Day and night His praises sounding.
Holy, Holy, Holy!
Sing those angel voices;
In His glory each rejoices.
Lend Thine ear,
Lord, to hear:
We are also singing
And our tributes bringing.
3 O Thou Light eternal,
All things penetrating,
For Thy rays my soul is waiting.
As the tender flowers,
Willingly unfolding,
To the sun their faces holding:
Even so
Would I do,
Light for Thee obtaining
And in verdure gaining.
4 Come, celestial Being,
Make my heart Thy dwelling,
Ev'ry carnal thought dispelling.
Make Thy Holy Spirit
Sanctify me truly,
Teaching me to love Thee duly.
Where I go
Here below,
Let me bow before Thee
And in truth adore Thee.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #9