Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.) #200a
Display Title: Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name First Line: God is merciful and gracious Tune Title: [God is merciful and gracious] Author: Timothy R. Smith, b. 1960 Scripture: Psalm 145:1; Psalm 145:8-13; Psalm 145:15-18 Date: 2015 Subject: Easter 5 | Year C; Eighteenth Ordinary | Year A; Eighth Ordinary | Year C; Eleventh Ordinary | Year B; Evening Prayer | Morning Psalms, Canticles; Fourteenth Ordinary | Year A; Love of God for Us | ; Ninth Ordinary | Year B; Ninth Ordinary | Year C; Ordinary Time | Common Psalm; Praise | ; Providence | ; Rites of the Church | Confirmation; Service Music for Mass | Communion Song; Service Music for Mass | Responsorial Psalm; Seventeenth Ordinary | Year B; St. Peter and Paul, Apostles (June 29) | Vigil; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest | Communion Song; Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest | Responsorial Psalm; Thanksgiving | ; Thanksgiving Day | ; The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) | Year A; The Most Holy Trinity (Trinity Sunday | Year C; The Nativity of John the Baptist (March 19) | Day; Thirty-First Ordinary | Year C; Twelfth Ordinary | Year B; Twenty-Fifth Ordinary | Year A; Twenty-Fifth Ordinary | Year C; Twenty-First Ordinary | Year C; Twenty-Seventh | Year B
Glory and Praise (3rd. ed.) #200a