1 God lov'd the world beyond degree,
Sure no such other love can be;
He sent his son, who died and sav'd,
The whole of man to sin enslav'd.
2 But to complete that glorious plan,
The Son of God became like man;
When he assum'd our flesh and blood,
He died like man, but not as God.
3 He bore the curse to make us bless'd!
On him doth our Salvation rest;
When all our sins on him were laid,
His death for all attonement made.
4 His death has purchas'd life and grace
For all the lost of Adam's race;
No other sacrifice could pay,
For sin, and take our guilt away.
5 They, who on him the Saviour b'lieve,
They shall not perish, but shall live;
The Saviour came not to condemn
The sons of men, but ransom'd them.
6 Come helpless sinners, take a view
Come see what Christ has done for you;
Believe in him, and trust his pow'r,
And he will save you ever more
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #XCIV