1 God of love, our Father Saviour,
Holy Spirit, Thee we praise!
Triune God, all thought transcending,
Fain would we a temple raise
Worthy of Thy loving kindness,
Hallowed thro' all earthly days.
2 Make these stones a hallowed symbol,
Saints of God who run may read,
Types of those whom, blest Redeemer,
Thou from sin and woe hast freed,
Pillars Thou hast hewn and shapen,
Thine elect in every deed!
3 Lord! restore the gates of Sion,
Let her courts with praise resound!
May Thy light and love descending
Shed their radiant joys around,
So shall man reveal Thy glory:
Earth, like heaven, be hallowed ground!
The Hymnal: revised and enlarged as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892