1 God of unbounded Power,
God of unwearied Love,
Be present in our dangerous hour
Our danger to remove:
Jesus, Jehovah, Lord,
Thy wonted aid we claim;
Not trusting in our bow or sword,
But in Thy saving Name!
2 Our lives are hid with Thine,
Our hairs are numbered all,
Nor can without the Will divine
One worthless sparrow fall.
And shall a nation bleed,
And shall a kingdom fail,
While Thou, O Christ, art Lord and Head
O'er heaven and earth and hell?
3 Beneath Thy wings secure,
In patience we possess
Our souls, and quietly endure
Whate'er our God decrees.
Teach us to understand
The thunder of Thy power,
And thus, O Lord, to Thy Hand,
Thy Truth and Love adore.
4 Escaped the hostile sword,
O may we fly to Thee,
And find in our redeeming Lord
Our life and liberty.
Our Strength and Righteousness,
O let us hold Thee fast,
With confidence divine, and peace
That shall for ever last.
Source: Church Book: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran congregations #499