1 Grant us dear Lord our daily bread,
Thus do we pray in time of need;
To him our precious lord we cry,
Who daily doth our wants supply.
2 Where nothing laid in store we see,
Where thousands faint and hungry be;
Yet may we trust and firmly b'lieve,
He find's a way for us to live.
3 When Jesus in the wilderness
Beheld, his follow'rs in distress,
Fatigued and hungry, weak and faint,
He pitti'd them to see their want.
4 And how to help them he well knew,
Altho' he ask'd what shall we do?
Our faith must always first be tried,
Before our wants are all supplied.
5 He then commands them to prepare,
And trust his providence and care;
Without a table being set,
The feast for them was soon complete.
6 When Jesus grants us his increase,
Then we partake the greater bliss;
Two little fish, five loaves of bread,
Some thousands of his follow'rs fed.
7 If here we follow Christ indeed,
He will support us as we need;
And when this present life is past
We feast with him in heav'n at last.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #LIX