1 Hail, all hail, this glad new year,
Ours a happy throng,
Ours a happy throng,
Schoolmates, teachers welcome here,
Join our heartfelt song,
Join our heartfelt song
Bright New Year, we welcome thee,
With our voices glad and free,
May we live for Christ and right,
Meet together in the light.
2 We are in its morning now,
E'er its night shall come,
E'er its night shall come.
We may pass from earth away,
To our last long home,
To our last, long home
Bright New year, we welcome thee,
With our voices glad and free,
May we live for Christ and right,
Meet together in the light.
3 May our guide through all this year,
Be the golden rule;
And the loving words of Christ,
Learned at Sabbath school.
Living unto Jesus near,
'Till we at his throne appear.
Living unto Jesus near,
'Till we at his throne appear.
4 But should death our young hearts chill,
E'er the year shall end,
May we all go home to Christ,
To the "Children's Friends."
Tenderly he'll guide our feet,
Love of Jesus, O how sweet!
Tenderly he'll guide our feet,
Love of Jesus, O how sweet!
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #72