1 Hail to the great Creator,
Wonderful are His ways,
Hail Him, the King Eternal,
Lift now a song of praise;
Ev’ry orb and glist’ning sphere,
All the distant and the near,
Show forth His marvelous handiwork,
Show forth His marvelous handiwork,
Show forth His marvelous handiwork,
And day unto day His praise uttereth forth.
2 Praise we the great Jehovah,
Throned in the realms above;
He is the mighty Saviour,
he is the King of Love;
Pow’r and wisdom He displayed,
All the things that He hath made, [Refrain]
3 Glory and praise be given
Now to the Saviour King,
Up from the whole creation,
Loud let His praises ring;
For His works in ev’ry place
And the wonders of His grace, [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #37