"He saved others," scorners cried,
Beholding Jesus crucified;
"Is this the Son of God with power?
Lo, in His own afflictive hour,
Himself he cannot save."
He was the Son of God with power,
He "came unto that very hour;"
I'll joy in His reproach and shame,
"He savest others;" I'll exclaim,
"Himself He could not save."
His agony and bloody sweat,
His cross and passion paid my debt;
He saved others when he fell,
Yet,--who the mystery can tell?
Himself, He could not save.
Love, love unthroned the Son of God;
Love bruised Him with the Father's rod;
Love gave, and love reclaim'd His breath;
He saved others by His death;
Himself he could not save.
Were Love and Deity at strife?
No,--freely He resign'd His life;
God freely sent Him from above;
Love is of God, for God is love;
Himself He could not Save.
Have I hope beyond the grave;
'Tis this, Himself he could not save;
Hope full of immortality;
He saved others, saved me;
Himself He could not save.
Sacred Poems and Hymns