1 “He that overcometh will I give to eat
Of the tree of life and hidden manna sweet;
He shall then receive a precious stone so white,
In the stone a new name God alone will write.”
Overcoming joys, overcoming joys,
What effulgent glory when His face I see;
As I here am victor, over there will be
Overcoming joys for me.
2 “He that overcometh shall be clothed in white
Raiment, pure and spotless in the heav’nly light;
In the book of life his name shall then appear,
He that hath an ear to hear, oh, let him hear.” [Refrain]
3 “He that overcometh shall a pillar be
In the temple of My God eternally;
And he shall no more go out in paths of sin,
But eternal joys the overcomers win.” [Refrain]
4 “He that overcometh will I grant to sit
With Me in My throne, for I’ve established it;
Even as I overcame and am set down,
With my Father in His throne of high renown.” [Refrain]
4 “He that overcometh shall possess all things,
God Himself shall be his God,” the promise rings;
“And My son he then shall be on yon bright shore,
Living in the home of God forevermore.” [Refrain]
Source: Great Gospel Songs #48